How much $$ do bells and whistles add to preamp?

Hi All, I’m looking for a new preamp, but I don’t want or need things like home theater bypass, streaming, DAC, headphones, etc. Just a great preamp (maybe with phono). I’m looking at lots of models (Like Classe, Wyred4Sound, Peachtree, etc.) that come with lots of extras, and I’m wondering how much of the price devolves to those add-ons that I don’t want. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, as usual.

Ag insider logo xs@2xrustler

Belles Aria Signature pre fits your desires (it does have bypass, but simply do not use it). Straight forward pre that is only 2 channel analog w/a MM phono included, and that is where David put all his emphasis, as usual.

I’ve heard great things about Belles, possibly look into Don Sachs,Aric Audio, Space Tech Laboratory, and I’m sure there are many more smaller builders that make some wonderful gear without many of the features you don’t need.  I was in the same boat.  I have no need for tape loops, HT bypass.  In my world, remote wasn’t even something I needed to have. 

Belles Audio Aria Signature preamp would be perfect.  Talk to John Rutan at Audio Connection.

Take a look at the Aesthetix Pallene you can get it with line leveler or you can add a phono,DAC or upgrade the headphone amp you can add them at any time  I have one just with line level it is a new preamp for Aesthetix it is not on their web site but it is the preamp from the Mimus integrated amp a few of us on Audiogon have it

Enjoy the Music 
