Recommendation all-rounded speaker (small room)

Hi audiogon forumers,

I listen to variety of music genres from slow, lazy to fast music, jazz, classical to pop/rock depends on mood.

Thus, I need your humble opinion to recommend all-rounded speaker to fit my small listening room (12' x 10' x 9' , W x D x H).  Currently using Accuphase AB amplifier, source from Roon via Intel NUC/Auralic.

I am eyeing at SCM 11 with great interest.  Anyone other recommendation is very welcome.


Op, thanks for identifying your equipment. Given what you have and want… nothing jumps out from my experience. 

You have posted your preference for the 11 scm.Not surprised...and i do think they would work quite well in your room,considering music preferences.I am not familiar with source is cd player/no dac.

As i stated before i started with the 11’s and went with the 19’s.I wanted as much speaker as i could get to ward off upgradeitis.They sit on top of sound anchors which are as much a part of the whole deal imho.

People can fire there suggestions at you and you sometimes have to go with your gut and feel the experience.(I have pic of them in virtual system in my 13 by 10 room fwiw).

It has to be a 2 way.  No way around that I don’t think.  Is there a budget?

+1 for ATC! Had the 11s and now have the 40s. Someday….I’ll have the 50s and maybe even the 150s. I can’t imagine you being disappointed with the 11s or the 19s really… I saw some 19s used somewhere the other day for a pretty good price. 
best of luck!