Best Isolation Platform with Audio Aero Prestige

Dear AA Prestige owners,
Can you please write down your experiences with the platforms you use, if any, with your Prestige sacd player.
Currently my player is over acapella fondato silenzio base.
It might be a good idea to see which base or bases are most popular with this beautiful player.
Many thanks,
Brainwater wrote:
Rhetoric aside , have you tried the Critical Mass Grand Master black label platforms in your own system ? I would then welcome your opinions positive or negative.
This thread isn't about me. Please answer the question.
I am very happy using the Silent Running Audio atop the Grand Prix Audio Monaco rack but more importantly using stellar footers instead of the stock BDR cones. I am using the Black Ravioli footers imported from Globe Audio Marketing with 3 HRS damping plates atop the unit. The footers are made in Germany and produce a much blacker background and decay within the soundstage...a true must if you own this player. If anyone has tired them all then give us a review.
Essentialaudio wrote :
"This thread isn't about me. Please answer the question"

What question is that?

Was I seriously suppose to answer " where's the beef " or you referring to Metrallas question? I answered that 5 responses ago .

You made this about you when you accused either Critical Mass or Neuance of "marketing mumbo jumbo".

On another note , I identified myself as a dealer for isolation platforms do you not see ethical issues with your not doing so as well ??
Remember there is no state of isolation. Something is always in motion even down to the atomic level. Isolate something from the influences of its own self generation, and your trying? You have wasted both time and energy! Tom
Tom, there is a simple solution. Place your entire system, including isolation racks into a refrigeration unit. . . and chill down to absolute 0 . . . any audiophile grade chillers out there. . . regardless, I want my chiller modded.