Magico S3 mkII

I heard from my local dealer, Magico is not making S3 MKII anymore.. Has anyone else heard the same?


It's the internet, don't believe everything you read/hear. My friend had replaced both tweeters on his M3 himself, with great support from his dealer and Magico. My dealer also confirmed that this report does not match his experience. 

@henry201 thank you!! I do have to say.. Love the A3's.. Simple, Enclosed design, solid construction.. I am a lifelong Magico Fan..


I bought the A3's in February. So if they release a replacement by the end of the year.. my dealer will still be able to swap out the A3 for the S3 replacement.

Does Magico have a trade-up program where you are given a certain percentage of original retail value if the transaction is within one year of original purchase as some audio companies do?



@jetter It’s not Magico, but it’s my dealer, any high end equipment I buy from them they let me trade for 100% to something newer as long as it is within a year of purchase from them and the price of the new equipment is at least 2X. That’s how I traded the Mcintosh MC462 for a Luxman M10X..

@rman9 Sounds like you have a great dealer.  I'm guessing you will be able to listen to the S3s with your amp at the shop before your buy since the dealer obviously sells them.