Internal DAC quality vs external DAC's

Considering what path/options to take on a 2channel streaming setup !!!


I'm considering integrated amps from the likes of Hegal H120/H190, Peachtree Nova 150, Anthem STR and the NAD M10 V2

I would like to hear some opinions on their internal DAC's and how they would compare to external DAC's under $1500. (Aries 2 and Bitfrost seem to be a popular choices.)

Or perhaps the better question might be, What price point would best the internal DAC's of these units ?

I'm not looking for exact detail, just some information to help guide me through the integrated vs separates debate. 

lordmelton "DACs have a relatively short life of 5 years or less, amps 10 years or more, streamers somewhere in-between."


This statement is mistaken, erroneous and false a properly designed and constructed DAC can easily last many, many years as has been demonstrated by some of the most highly regarded manufacturers of such products there is simply no reason, justification, or logic to claim or assert otherwise. 

I like the one and done concept !!!

It's why I'm looking at the NAD M10 V2, it's an all in one streamer that can be controlled via phone/tablet.

The crazy part to all this is, each devise I've listed all have something I want. None with all the features I'd like, go figure.

The crazy part to all this is, each devise I've listed all have something I want. None with all the features I'd like, go figure.

I think that's the main challenge right now. Hopefully you find something that fits your needs.

Just remembered that I had a good experience with the Naim Uniti Atom this past weekend (though it was driving headphones from the speaker taps). I could find it on the network using BubbleUPnP as a renderer from my Android phone easily and I streamed Qobuz through it without a hitch.


Yes, another all in one with a DAC !!!

Could you please give a/some comparison to it's internal DAC......