Large room with low budget for speakers

Hey everyone I have been having issues finding the right kind of boxed speakers that would work in my room well that won’t be too dry on the bass region my set up has an array of Rel woofers my budget is 30k but all the speakers that would be big enough would be around 60k and up I have looking into brands like Focal, Rockport, and Wilson audio but none of the smaller speakers from these brands are very impressive in my room 


















Kind of hard to believe you can't find a suitable speaker for your low budget of 30k.





Some speakers I’ve heard within your budget that I like (I like warmer sounding speakers) include Fyne F1 and Cube Audio Nenuphar Basis (comes with its own built in powered woofer).  The JBL mentioned above is intriguing, particularly because I like horn-based systems, but I have not heard it (most of the JBLs I’ve heard sound good, but they are not that warm sounding).