Tubes getting hard to come by?

Hi All,

I've noticed that both Upscale Audio and the Tube Depot are running out of tubes, or, at least, they are limiting buyers to ONE TUBE PER MONTH (UPSCALE) or simply out of many popular tubes.  Am I imagining this, or is the pandemic, or something else, causing a dearth of available tubes?  Might this be a bad time to buy a tube amp because of this?


The supply of NOS and "tests as NOS" tubes has been dwindling for the past couple of years. When the Russian tubes stopped being exported there was a run on all tubes from every dealer in the US, Canada, and abroad. Now inventory is limited and dealers that do have tubes have raised prices dramatically.

For example, I wanted to buy a spare set of NOS tubes. I inquired about a pair that I paid $300 for two years ago, one dealer was charging $650/pair and my dealer had no stock.

I only buy low power preamp tubes such as 12ax7's....these seem plentiful. 

NOS 12AX7s have also been affected by the tube shortage. Prices for premium types have increased.

I have had good luck finding NOS tubes for my amp because it doesn't use common tubes like those in guitar amps.   It uses e180f type which are super cheap and plentiful.   NOS  Mullards are between $ 6 and $40 , I picked up a pair of JAN USA Amperex for $60,   Heerleen mfg 7788 for $50.    The rectifiers are 5r4gy , widely available.   I was lucky to get 6  JAN CRC circa 1956 for $89 ea.  Time capsule condition.  2    Ken Rad from 1945 $40 ea, also time capsule condition......   not really expensive for real deal NOS , most which are JAN military stock .  

 I also bought 2 pair of Western Electric 300b...... those were not cheap.   But they should last a long time .   

I've noticed that both Upscale Audio and the Tube Depot are running out of tubes, or, at least, they are limiting buyers to ONE TUBE PER MONTH (UPSCALE) or simply out of many popular tubes

omg the sky is falling... 😂