’objectivity’ does not really exist.
the only thing that exists is a subjective reality experience.
Your claim is not false for sure but is not right either...
Why? because objectivity is not a "fact" and subjectivity is not a "fact" either, subjectivity is more fundamental than facts, objectivity is more fundamental than fact too, but objectivity and subjectivity are an internal and correlated external and internal consciousness process...This process which work also between the collective and the free individual exist...
The external part of consciousness is our own body, the internal part of our consciouness appear to us or is reflected as the external world through our body....Think about colors and sound sensation and perception and judgement...
Objectivity is not an individual thought experiment "of a monkey in a meat body" but first and last a COLLECTIVE thought experiment...
It is the reason why science need, democray, freedom, and education to replenish itself from individual freedom and creativity...
If not science will be impossible task...Objectivity is not an "illusion" it is a "meaning" focussing intentionality operated by a consciousness...Behind objectivity there is also an ETHICAL challenge...
Science is in no way reducible to technology... In technology we go from parts to parts in an hypothetical theoretical prepared "whole" an external conditioned whole, a map which reduce diversities to external unity as a tool ....
Science dont go from the parts to hypothetical whole ONLY through a theoretical map , but MAINLY must go from the internal whole perceived to the parts without an a priori map replacing the territory so to speak but with an onlooking internal gaze amplifying the diversities potentially there in the unity or in the perceived internal whole manifested in external indexes...It is a perception yoga intividual training, a self free educating ongoing process in consciousness...
Individual creator replenish the collective view by this spiritual creativity and self control...Not corporations and universties...
»History of science is science» Goethe
The collective knowledge possession is not science by itself , it is only the basis on which some individual able to see the parts and the diversities coming from the whole like Faraday or Goethe will describe it without prematurely theorizing it and reducing diversities to an artificial map or a mere tool ... After these pioneering geniuses others will theorize it rightfully at the right time in history and will create the basis of new technology without destroying or reducing the science to this set of tools...
But the fundamental moment of creativity in science is an individual one not a collective technological one...
Like the physicist Bohm student and Goethe student Henri Bortoft put it:
«This is the dynamical thinking of the participant mode of consciousness, instead of the static thinking of the onlooker consciousness. This way of seeing turns the one and the many inside-out. Instead of many different ones that are the same, we now see one which is becoming itself in many different ways. What we have here is self-difference instead of self-sameness; each is the very same one, but differently, instead of each of the different ones being the same. We now have difference within unity, instead of a unity that excludes difference. Furthermore, it is concrete instead of abstract. So instead of “unity in multiplicity” we have “multiplicity in unity,” which is the unity of the living source.»
«Faraday shared with Goethe more than merely an experimental approach. Just as Goethe made no attempt to theorize about the “hidden” nature of light, so Faraday declined to speculate about the “real” nature of electric currents and magnets. Instead, they both aimed to develop appropriate concepts for formulating phenomenological regularities and, in the process, emphasized the establishment of experimental links between simple and complex phenomena. These methodological similarities were noted by Hermann von Helmholtz in an 1881 lecture on Faraday, in which he stressed Faraday’s aim to express only “observable and observed facts, most carefully avoiding any interference of hypothetical elements,” and explicitly noted the similarity between Faraday’s and Goethe’s
Exploratory Experimentation: Goethe, Land, and Color Theory by Neil Ribe and Friedrich Steinle