Cornwall IV – tube (amp) choice

I recently bought the Cornwall IVs and even while running with my old and small Rotel amp they make me pretty happy. But having listened to them plugged to a tube amp in the shop this will be the next investment. And with no proper shop around where I can compare different models and different tube types I´m depending on other people´s experiences. I know that once I have any amp here tube rolling will be the next thing to try but for now I´d like to know if someone can tell me something about different tube types or amps that work well with the Cornwall IVs (or similar sounding speakers).

Of course I´m looking for the warmth that the current amp does not provide. Also it seems that the highs are a bit too pronounced, so I´m willing to trade some of those in if it means gaining more low-mids and lows. Having said that, I´m not looking for boom, just a little more cozyness.

Some tube amps I came across:

lab12 integr4 (KT150)
Primaluna evo 300 (EL34 – I´m a bit afraid of the evo 400, 8 power tubes are a bit intimidating when it comes to rolling or exchanging broken tubes)
Willsenton R800i (300B / 805)

My desired price range is up to $3.000 but well, the primaluna are already above that limit.
As you can see I´m not afraid of chinese brands. I´m living in Europe and dependend on what´s available here.


@jasonbourne52  you are so right no need for a high power tube amp to run an efficient speaker. That part of the speaker choice helps pay for a really great amp. Tube rolling is less money with less tubes as well.  Can you buy Canary amps where you are at? 

Tubes: Oh Yeah!

Power: enough, but not too much, with future considerations:

efficiency of 102db/1w/1m: ’not much’ power needed.

I drove my similar speakers (horns, 15" woofers) with 30 wpc tube amps for many years (they came with Fisher 80az mono blocks). Then 35 wpc, now 45 wpc, more than enough, never near full volume and I play fairly loudly, like live in a small club.

I only moved up in power for feature reasons, 30wpc is no compromise for those Cornwall IV's. I had and sold McIntosh SS 300wpc, the tube amps/15" woofers make lots of wonderful sounding bass, don’t worry about that.

That let’s you use a variety of tubes, so combine tube type research, optional tube uses (some have switches for this), easy Bias.

Personally, I have used EL37’s (originals, too pricey now), EL34’s, 6LC.... 5881, 7591, 6550, KT66, KT88, (never tried low power or higher power 120’s).

With my similar speakers, I preferred the KT66 in the Fisher 80az 30wpc tube mono blocks; and now prefer the KT88’s in my Cayin A88T 45wpc integrated tube amp

Consider weight/size/heat/placement options (as well as cost) when considering size of tube amps, line of sight for remote controls, ...

Your speakers can be either Bi-Wired or Bi-Amped. You might think about that now, more significant than tube rolling. That would be a very good reason to have a separate tube preamp with remote control features, and mono-blocks near the speakers.

Think Long, Go Deep.

I have the Willsenton R800i with all replaced all stock tubes and it sounds sublime with my Cornwall IV's. I am actually in the process of selling it to fund a Luxman 590AXII.


If I had to do this all over, I wouldn’t have gotten my Primaluna. I think I would get Quicksilver. That’s a dead honest opinion. I got the PL just so I could tube roll more than other hear as many tubes as possible before I get my final tube amp.

That said, the PL is so damn well made, reliable and easy to use. It’s dummy proof. You can do a lot of things wrong and it will save your skin.

Yes I have 8 tubes in my Evo 400 but they’ll last forever (hyperbole).

After some time, you will notice that the other stuff sounds marginally better. But you get that by running the tubes a bit hotter.

What PL achieves in sound quality while driving tubes softer is quite remarkable. PL gets a little more hate than the rest for being a European brand made in China. But I need to say, I have been so thoroughly impressed with quality in ALL areas of the ownership experience.

I was going to trade up until I got my Tannoys. It’s a match made in I feel like I’m stuck with PL. First world problems.

I have an Ayon Scorpio XS driving two Klipsch Hersesy III's and the sound is amazing!