Why Do You Post?

I come here to poke fun ONLY... No need for tech talk. AG could care less. I'm trying to draw the TROLLS out.. I'm bored.

This is what someone posted in an active thread.  I'm dumbfounded!

I come to Audiogon to learn and share information, keep abreast of audiophile happenings and to gain exposure or insight into music.  I thought I was in the majority camp of users, but based upon the above quote, could be I'm not.


I invite anyone here to join me in the ABL, otherwise known as the Anti Bloviation League. We are here to support brevity.

Hear, Hear! 

I initially joined after reading a post by @prof a few years back. He seemed to be one of the very few who were even talking about timbre and tonal colour when it came to audio playback.

That really made an impression on me and I decided to join as a result. I also thought that by sharing some of my mistakes with others, it might save them from falling into similar traps.


Great post, with so much to agree with. I especially liked those bits I’ve quoted below, particularly the words about growth.


I try to help people understand how to get a realistic, actual musically correct signal to come out of their gear.


How the human ear works so they learn how to listen


How the mind works on connection to hearing so they can learn to listen past and through their internal filters and faults.

None of this is simple, until it becomes instinct and such. that 10,000 hr thing.


In such scenarios, the key point is the fixing of the self, the growth of the self -above and beyond all else. which people in general are loathe to do, they’d rather shoot and destroy everything around them, instead of that. Growth is painful (literally painful, seriously) as it requires the death of the old to occur first so the new can fit in.


There is no fix, for any of this in being a necessity and ’a way’ (this is the way), as we all learn differently and we all have different minds, we all hear differently and we all take a different path up the mountain. Ie, that people spouting a singular story ("this is what I do, etc") is just us playing the ego echo chamber game of self reflection and hoping we get no hatred when we speak and expose our frailty to the world.

So there is no such thing and never will be of one single method of learning new things. There are as many ways of learning as there are people in the world and the best we can get to is forms of/in generalism, with manifold examples, in manifold directions. Thus, due to all of the above..I change how it say it, often, almost in a form of rotation, just talking around the subject in various different methods and ways.


to take it to a next level of complexity, the problem is that it is forums, so it is further removed from full and proper communication so misinterpretation and reflection of one’s own ego and emotions somehow being read in my message, is the norm. (not what I said, or what I meant, but how the reader feels) That’s how forums work.


To add, music is not about logic, or bettering the self through trial and error, it is about blanking out and pleasuring the self. Engaging the monkeys timelss joy in moving to the beat or getting lost in the ethereal aspects of loss of time and pressures. Which is the opposite of self control and considerations.


So we can get people’s blind and rejecting ugly side as a norm, on audio forums, if we inject the tension of discussion and argument in what is essentially a very complex multi-faceted scenario of high quality audio reproduction in one’s own home.


Getting high and getting off is a complex affair. In this case, chock full of individualism and a lack of understanding, yet we all seek peaks, peaks that require all of that.



Your words are unfortunately true, at least in my experience.

I guess the lure of free advertising is too strong for some to resist.

Nevertheless, if their words are held up to scrutiny perhaps a certain sense of balance can be maintained here.

Ultimately it’s the reader that decides what they want to take away from here, we can only try to help.


Idiots trolling and offering no intellectual value is why most people have become dumber. Who knew access to all of the world’s knowledge would make people dumber because people have no idea what knowledge is and are instead amused and give credence to a put down from a troll rather than thinking.

I like to learn different points of view and new things. I can share my experience of what's worked for me and also met some new friends. Picked up lots of info on benefits of phono stages, importance of speaker placement and room acoustics and isolation/vibration control which have helped my system tremendously.

Also learned about some overpriced tweaks that some huge spenders will try because they represent a ridiculously low % of their audio investment and any infinitesimal improvement (audible or not) is worth a lot to them.  Not to start a war but things like fuses, HFTs, coatings, etc. Love hearing cable debates - hysterical. Of course they impact sound, but how much will you spend for how much improvement? I never doubt when someone thinks something improves the sound for them. If they think it does in their mind, then it does FOR THEM. The absolute measurement guys are funny too. Just because you can measure it doesn't mean you can hear, appreciate, and value it.

Develop your skimming skills. It'll make this website work much better. .And have sympathy for the site's would-be novelists. May their fingertips never cramp!