Best "RedBook" player out there

I'm looking for a new or used cd player that plays just regular red book cd's(maybe hdcd).No sacd's/dvds.My budget is under $3000.00.I'm have a Sonic Frontiers cd-1 that i'm currently using.I'm looking for something with a anolog sound and a large soundstage.Any suggestions?
Only a "Spaz" would think he could get the best red-book player for $3000...............sorry couldnt resist:)
Buy A Consonance Linear 120 save yourself $2,000. It is simply superb no upsampling no elaborate electronic fooling with the data. Just a pure great sounding CDP you hear the tones and timbres that were recorded made to use with 16/44 but reads others. Very refined sound good WAF. Honest try it! Ilove mine.
The best way to spend your $3000, IMO, is to invest it into a hard-drive based system, not into a redbook CD player. More bang for the buck. Greater versatility, and arguably equal or better performance depending on the DAC you use. Your entire CD collection at your fingertips. Ripped in lossless format, with a good DAC I'd bet you could not tell the difference. I certainly cannot. Here's a simple system that could be very rewarding:

Mac Laptop (iTunes standard) - $900
USB DAC (Apogee, used Wavelength Brick, used Bel Canto 3, or others as many are becoming available these days) $1000-1500
Two reliable 500gb external hard drives (one for music library backup) - $400

If you already have a computer you can use you can devote more to the DAC, or go for something like an Empirical Audio offramp and the DAC of your choice (non-USB).

Other than that, as Grant suggests, plenty on the subject of $3000 redbook players in the archives. Many to choose from. The best is certainly the Electrocomcaryaeroprimaraysoconsowadiameridian modified by APLExemplarwright to their Platinum Premium Ultimate Statement with five external tubed power supplies and umbilical cords the size of garden hoses in gold-wrapped, silver-infused copper with mystery boxes attached. Oh, and don't forget to pick up a digital watch with a round sticker on it to put on top.
