Did Audiogon get sold to the Chinese or Russian Govt?

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 if you pay for the ad and fees for whatever you are selling 

they cannot be cheated ,and this should be the buyers space imo,

you used to be able to Add a hyperlink for say a review for what you are trying to sell

this too has been removed. This is why others use U.S audio mart 

which has taken at least 20% of Audiogon business .

Instead of using Amazon, how about saying ONLINE. 

There should be a master list of restricted words. We could have some fun DM conversations knowing them.

Whatever happened to free speech?

We live in the most censored ear ever.  Might as well be in *ussia or *hina.

As @larsman said, Audiogon is a private company. I just don't understand the argument people make about free speech when dealing with private entities and that means all social media as well. Get it through your head, a private company is FREE to do as they choose in the marketplace. If you don't like it, you don't have to use the service.