mhdt Orchid - 192 sample issues

Hi all

I can't confirm if this has been the case since I got the unit, which wasn't a long time ago in any case, but today, when trying to play 192 sample rates using BNC and RCA I noticed that it doesn't work. If I use USB no issues, but BNC and RCA nothing.

RCA and BNC work fine with all other sample rates work fine, including 176,4kHz and 96kHz.


I'm using Roon / Qobuz with pi4 and a pi2aes. As mentioned, connecting the pi4 to the DAC using the USB works fine up to 192kHz, but with the digital out from the pi2aes I can't only use up to 176,4kHz and 192 either doesn't work at all (no sound) or, if I switch from USB to the other inputs it plays but with a lot of noise.


Any ideas?


Thx in advance 



Digital Coax (RCA) doesn't support 192Khrtz while USB does. For the Orchid it doesn't really matter as it it only process 16 bit 44 /41 khrtz

Hi Danager

I just want to understand if there is an issue with my unit. The user manual says it support inputs up to 192/24 in all digital inputs including BNC and RCA

Maybe I’m missing something very basic.

Thx, Nuno

My Orchid does 192 over toslink from a Node 2i. Sometimes on older remaster upsampled tracks there’s some extra noise compared to other DACs, but converting back down to redbook can do that I guess. You could always limit Qobuz to a lower resolution. That works well for me. Qobuz does a better job converting down than the Orchid. Check the output limits on the pi? Not all s/pidf chips handle high resolution.