Bookshelf dilemma

I need help/advice getting to a short list of Bookshelf speakers. Budget is $2,000 or less. The room is 16’x16’ with 12’ ceilings. Back wall is bay windows. Furniture in the room (must stay) doesn’t allow for floor standers. Will be driven with McCormack DNA 0.5 via Manley Jumbo Shrimp pre. This is a 3rd floor apartment and adding a sub is possible but I don’t want to cause issues with neighbors below. Streamer is Cambridge 851N. I listen to Jazz guitar/saxophone , Blues, Vocals and some 1970’s rock - Emerson Lake & Palmer, Yes, etc.  Thank you for your thoughts. 


I really don't know how anyone can suggest something meaningful and I will do exactly that: Harbeth. I mean try, not buy.

J.M. Reynaud Bliss Silvers.  The best standmounts I’ve had, in my experience, and can be found used for < $1500 if you’re patient.  Great with tubes or SS.

The Ascend Acoustic Sierra LX should fit your room, budget and equipment.  It is their newest model.  Read the LX development blog (link at the site), and check user reviews near the end of the blog. Will likely work without subs if so desired.