The CD transport is your source component as it preceeds the DAC in your signal chain. There are those who will say any decent CD player/transport will be fine as it’s only about the 1s and 0s. I vehemently disagree with this shallow and superficial mindset.
The higher the quality and thus competency of the vital CD transport, the better the resultant sound quality. I strongly believe that it’d be pennywise and pound foolish to go skimp on the transport by thinking only the DAC matters. They both matter. An argument could be made that the transport (source) is equally as important as the DAC if not in fact more so.
Attention paid to a solidly constructed CD spinning mechanism that seriously addresses vibration management is very crucial. Cheaper budget transports won't offer the same degree of attention or implementation (You have to cut corners somewhere to keep it inexpensive).
My advice is to buy the best quality CD transport you can comfortably afford. I don’t believe that you’d ever 2nd guess this decision. The many positive testimonies in regard to the Pro-Ject CD Box RS2 transport in this thread are accurate. As noted before, it is small in form factor (By design) but huge in its sonic performance. Excellent with the standard wall wart power supply and clearly improved if one uses an optional linear power supply. My 2 cents worth.