Dr. Feickert Blackbird

I want to get some opinions. I am currently saving for my end-all analog source. I have been lusting after the Blackbird for a year now. I keep trying to talk myself out of it, but keep coming back. Love the classic turntable look, the reviews, and especially 2 arms. If I am only going to have one table, I want 2 arms. I still have time, as I'm not half way to my $$ goal for a the table and first arm.

Is there better or equal performer for at or under that price without losing that classic turntable look? 


If you like classical and jazz music, 2 arms allow you to play stereo and mono records, possibly in the same listening session. For me it’s important.

Have to agree with @mijostyn 2 arms is overrated. Pick the best table/arm combo you can afford and play some music and be happy 😊

All opinions are ok. A few years ago I thought the same as you and lived happy with one arm and cart for about 10 years with the same tt.

Now my opinion has changed and happy my tt was able to receive a second tonearm. Buying a tt with possibility to have 2 arms kept all the possibles open.
I didn’t know I would be so happy for that choice.

It’s such a joy to listen good monos that the only regret is that I didn’t tried it sooner. But that’s just me.


That being said you can also buy a one arm only tt and add a Viv Labs as a second tonearm if you feel you need it after some time. No need to drill the plinth and these arms seem to have something special.

@senza , I hate to be a stick in the mud but the Viv Labs arm is a seriously bad joke. The marketing is even worse. 

I play my mono records with the exact same stereo cartridge I use on everything else. I am certainly not spending another $10K for a cartridge to play the 100 or so mono records I have. 

The only reason I can think of for two arms would be if you had a large collection of 78s which require a different stylus. As much as I play my 78s I do not mind flipping cartridges. I must admit that my approach is also mandated by the fact that my table will not accept two arms under any circumstance.