What should I upgrade next?

I am wondering what others think is my "weakest link" in my system.... Here's what I have:
Ayre C5xe CD Player
Pass Labs X-1 preamp
Pass Labs X350.5 amp
B&W 802N (original generation)
transparent ultra XL xlr from CD player to preamp
transparent reference w/XL xlr from preamp to amp
transparent ultra bi-wire speaker cables.
Wow, nice system. Maybe you should spend some time/money on tweaking the room...

I don't like those speakers either so I would change those out. Plus they do seem the most dated of everything you have. If you love B&W then maybe the new diamond version which I have not heard.
I heard the 802ds in a system where they replaced the 802s and I thought it was a significant upgrade (in the high end, of course). Otherwise, have not heard any of the other components. I AM a fan of computer audio, so you might explore in that direction.
What do you think your weakest component is? If not that, then what do you want to improve? Personally, I don't like your speakers. It doesn't really matter what I think, though. You're the one who has to listen to them.

I will say that your speakers and electronics are pretty well matched. It would be a good idea to focus on specifically what you want to improve. If you upgrade something without being sure, you can easily make a mistake.
Replace the Speakers, go for something bearable, Verity Audio for example.