All New Magico A5 Loudspeakers // Biggest "BANG" For Your BUCK On The Market ?!

Some are saying these A5's are Giant Killers ! 
As GOOD as the M Series ?... 
Sound Stage Review coming Soon ! 
 Not connected with Magico in any way

Diptyque Audio dp-160 AB Signature speakers are the best bang for the buck to my ears.

In room measurements show the A5 to have an exceptional mid with seriously room dependant bass and treble. I can still hear to 16k so I don't think I would want a speaker that rolls off at 5k. I bought the Blades instead.

News flash: because on average speaker cabinets have roughly 10X the surface area of the enclosed speaker element, the only have to move 1/10th as much before they're contributing just as much to the output as the driver. If they move 1/100th as much, the cabinet is still only 10dB lower in level. So keeping cabinets quiet is a real big deal for serious speaker designers. You can take the BBC thin panel/constrained damping method  (Harbeth, et al); the 'Mass-loaded Cast Unobtanium' of Wilson, Aluminum like Magico, KEF Muon and a few others, or the value-engineered MDF of most manufacturers. All have the same goal of keeping enclosure noise out of the equation because it audibly dirties the sound. And because it is dynamic and lags behind and below the primary output, it is very hard to measure, even though our ears readily detect it. When cost is little or no object, then more exotic, even sculptural approaches can be used. Appreciate them for what they are.

I myself would love to own a pair of A5 speakers.   If I ever get the upgrade itch from my Triton References, they would definitely be my next purchase. Amazing sounding speakers.  I heard them with McIntosh electronics and everything sounded so right.  Since I already own Mac, it would be just a speaker change. 

I just traded my B&W 801N’s for a set of Magico A5’s.

musically they are pretty good. I traded because I needed a smaller speaker moving in to a new space. 
overall the A5 is not even close to the same league as my old 801n.

My wife was more disappointed than I was. She is not a audio file by any means doesn't know all the fancy jargon. She said “the old speakers sounded like. Live concert, these just sound like. Ok speaker” what does she know except what she likes.

driving them with a pair of MC611’s and a C53. 
same setup with the 801n. 
Everyone always said you need big power to drive a 801N ok but wow these A5’s eat power and produce much lower levels than the 801 did.

disappointed for sure. These will get traded off in a year or two. 
just my opinion not meant to offend anyone.