Are Black Ravioli products sold in the US?

Just read a bunch of posts about Black Ravioli Big Pads and was interested in maybe putting them under my amp and or DAC.  I did a Google search and found several broken links and nothing other than reviews from the states. The Black Ravioli site is alive and well, but wanted to buy here. 




@curiousjim, have you tried to contact them through their website?  I have no idea how much shipping would be from Scotland, but it couldn’t be too ridiculous.  


Not yet. Was hoping to find someone in the states. While BR has a 30 day return policy, I wouldn’t have to deal with international shipping and customs in case I wanted to return them.  I deal with international shipping many times a year and sometimes it takes days and sometimes it takes weeks.

Theaudionerd photo on their website is of the older version.

Has been updated.


I bought directly from Scotland. My supplier in the UK said BlackRavioli wanted sales to be directly through them.