MF A5 is messed up

I turned it on and all that is coming out of the speakers is a terrible screaching sound. I have had bad tubes in components before(never a cd play though), but I do not remember a sound such as this. Could it be just a bad tube? Any iput or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
Sounds like a serious case of microphonics to me. The bad part is that the tubes are soldered in place. I don't understand why MF continues to solder tubes into their tubed components when most manufacturers use sockets. For the convenience of the end user, they need to be using sockets to make replacement of tubes a simple thing.
Call Signal Path, MF service in the US is fantastic. They can help over the phone, and if needed, send for repair - VERY fast turnaround time, excellent service.
Hi Jodus001,
When it comes to Signal Path's service I have to disagree with you. I thought that after owning a $6500 SACD player as my Musical Fidelity Trivista and sending it to them for a check up after having reading disc problems I thought I was going to get a very good service from Signal Path.
After contacting them ( Rick Walker) and getting a RA# I sent the unit to them. The Trivista was delivered on Thrusday April 19th at exactly 9:00am. I placed a called to them on Friday April 21 to get an update on the unit since I have not received a call, just an email on Wednesday the 19th just letting me know that they had received the unit.
They told me on Friday that they have not even open the box to look at the unit. They told me to call on Monday to get an update. I called Monday April 24 around 2:45pm (since they close at 3:00pm) and they told me that they did not have a chance to look at the unit but that they will start working on it on Tuesday. I waited a day and decided to call on Wednesday April 26 and spoke to Kristina who told me to hold on while she went to get an update on the unit. After waiting a few minutes a man came to answer the phone and asked me what I was waiting for? I told him that I was waiting for Kristina to give me an update on my Musical Fidelity Trivista. He told me with an "annoying" type of voice that the unit was on the bench being tested and that they found a gear that was missing a tooth and dirt on the Laser Signal Path. He told me that they will leave the unit playing for a few days to make sure all is working well before returning the unit to me. He also told me that they will send me an "email" with an update on the unit. Well all I received that Wednesday night was an email from Rick Walker telling me exactly what I was told during the day.

Today is Tuesday May 1st and I am still waiting for either an email or a phone call from Signal Path concerning the status of my unit. I don't want to call just yet because someone got annoyed that I called there twiced last week just to get an update on my unit. I am going to wait until tomorrow to see what happens but truthfully I am Really Disappointed with Signal Path's Service. They have not even placed one phone call to me just as a courtesy. All the phone calls have been done by me and all they have done in almost 2 weeks is send me 2 emails.
Maybe this might be an isolated case with me but the truth is that I am "REALLY DISAPPOINTED" with their service.

Musical Fidelity CD players and one of the best in the market and the A5 is one of the best under $5000. Your problem might just be a small thing that can be repair.Hope you can get it repair fast so you can enjoy such a great player.

My Best Regards,


I don't want to call just yet because someone got annoyed that I called there twiced last week just to get an update on my unit.

It's more appropriate for the client to be annoyed rather than the customer service.
Carlos, It's only been 8 working days, not 2 weeks. Relax and let them fix/test it.