Considering the amplifiers you own you are not restricted om your speaker choice. I'm going to throw out an alternative that I think would be worth considering.
I own a pair of Thiel CS6 speakers driven by a Krell KSA 300S. I've been to two audio shows (AXPONA & Tampa) and I can comfortably say that my system stands up to modern speakers costing in the upper 5 figures. I was pleasantly shocked at how well my system compared with nearly everything I heard. The CS6s get everything right but they particularly excel in imaging. If pinpoint, almost spooky imaging is your thing these speakers fit the bill.
Last I checked there were a few pairs of CS6s for sale for between $2k and $4.5k. For a pretty low cost you could try a pair and see if they perform as well for you as they do for me.
Repair of Thiels is still available through Coherent Source. Rob Gillum worked for Thiel and can repair most Thiel drivers. You can read a review in Stereophile and there is a long thread called "Thiel Owners" on Audiogon.
I rarely recommend these speakers because very few people have the amplifier to drive them. They have low sensitivity and a brutal impedance curve but your MLs were designed for exactly this kind of load.