Speaker recommendation please, please, please

Thanks in advance.

I'm new here, really and a relative noob on the high-end audio.

Looking to upgrade my front speakers for now. My use is probably 60% audio, 40% video. For my wife, you can invert those numbers.

My musical tastes run from Thelonius Monk to the Butthole Surfers. Krautrock, obscure '60's and '70's rock, fusion, jazz, electronica (The Orb, etc.). Very eclectic but mores rock than jazz or electronica. No classical/opera.

My system:
EAD Power Master 5200 5-schannel (300 watts 8ohm)

Musical Fidelity X-ray - the original ovoid design model

Pre-amp Krell - KRC 3

Speakers: B&W Nautilus 805's in the front CDM's in the rear and Nautilus HTM 1 center, Velodyne 12" 1200 watt sub (I forget the model offhand - top of the line 10 years ago as I recall)

For now I'd just like to upgrade the front two speakers. Eventually will upgrade the others as funds allow.

The room is rectangular 30' x 15' x 8' with wood floors

My ceiling to spend is approximately $6k

I'm considering used or new:

Evolution Acoustics MMMicro One
Raidho Eben X-3
Lawrence Audio Violin
Joseph Audio Pulsar
Gallo 3.5 Referance


Anything else I should be looking at?

Auditioning is hard as I live in a very rural area but I could do a day trip to Tampa or Orlando if I could find a dealer for anything I'm looking at, which so far I can't (still working on that though)
Your potential candidates are all over the map as far as sound goes. I've only heard the last three on your list and they couldn't be more different. Without having developed your knowledge of what's available and how different brands sounds, asking others for advice is risky. You're just blindly whacking at a pinata and hoping good ear candy falls out. If www.sweethomeaudio.com in Clearwater (Gallo) doesn't work out for you, I'd strongly suggest thinking about waiting until you could attend an audio show that lets you hear a variety of options. I waited way too long to go to one myself and when I did, so many things became clear to me that were just "words on paper" when reading reviews. It may seem like a waste of money to spend a grand to go to a good show like Axpona (coming up next year in Chicago) or RMAF, but it could be the best $1k you ever would spend if it helps you narrow down what kind of sound you like and avoid getting on an expensive merry go round.
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dc10audio's instrument 7 it's designed as a front channel high fidelity system that really can play at exceptionally loud levels with very tight bass not super deep bass but fast clean solid sound and they're drop dead beauties designed to last a lifetime. I own dc10 8PS and I've found Nothing else to compare. They are a very small company producing some of the most innovative products made today.