The tube/ voltage mode phono sounds more vivid, the SS current mode sounds more warm and relaxing. This is the most surprising and counterintuitive result having lived with both for a good 6 months.
This may due to the specific design of the Channel D Lino rather than the technology employed.
I currently use a current sensing MC step up feeding the phono input on a Marantz 7 tube pre. It is vastly more transparent than using SUT's in a direct comparison. The SUT's cannot match the transparency, low end extension and speed of the current sensing step up. I own and have tried most of the highly regarded SUT's such as Audio Note, Tim Da Pavaracini 's Head ( which he says is the best he has ever made ), Cotter and many others. They can't compete.
This combo has also seen off my old Jadis, Klyne System 7, Lamm and many other much vaunted phono/pres.
The Goldmund PH2 phono is another example that is shockingly dynamic and quick.
I think you highlighted the SUT issue accurately when you said
whereas voltage mode is an endless pursuit of SUT’s and loading.
You can spend a fortune on decent SUT's, buy a new cartridge, and have to start the process again.
Better off with the best high gain ( non SUT ) phono you can afford.