Cornwall 4 vs JBL horn under $10,000

Want to try a horn speaker with new Wellsenton R8( upgraded tubes) amp. My first experience with tubes and horns. Have read a lot about Cornwalls 4 and was about to purchase but thought about JBL’s. Want to stay under $10,000 and new or used.Any thoughts or recommendations? 


Jeffreyds, why upgrade rather than buy Volti? Is there an advantage of one way over the other?


Unless I had a pair of Khorns sitting around, I'd buy a Volti over a Klipch upgrade if I had the funds!  Assuming that my Volti modified Khorns have a similar sound to the Volti-produced speakers, I prefer them to my Cornwalls.  Just restating that I loved my Cornwall S1s for 13 years, so no issues with them.  I just find that the Volti modified Khorns sound more detailed yet relaxed, with a more natural timbre.

Tablejockey, not sure what you are saying. The Willsenton is $1400 and just rolled with $1700 new tubes! Still have McIntosh tube preamp 2300 and McIntosh 302 ( 300 watts solid state amp.) Just experiencing tubes for first time!

My experience from many years ago was with the Cornwalls and also a set of JBL 4343. I will say that there was such a harshness to the Cornwall mid horn that I just couldn't listen to them more than 5 minutes. The JBL speakers were forward but not even close to that harshness that I still remember. We called them 'Cornballs'. They remained popular over the years and must have improved, otherwise absolutely no one would buy them. FWIW, my set actually had all the drivers mounted to the back of the baffle! The crossover looked homemade. I mounted all the drivers on the front of the baffle but they still sounded raw. I even installed big 'ol variable controls for the mid and highs. The mid was turned less than a quarter of the way on

 The JBL speakers were some of my favorites, except in spite of the 15" woofer, they didn't get much bass. I bought them used so that might explain something.