Why so little Primare gear on A'gon? Bad rep?

I notice that very little Primare gear appears for sale here on A’gon. Is that because those who own Primare products love them and never want to get rid of them? Or is it because Primare has some sort of negative reputation that I don’t know about, so very few A’goners own it in the first place?

As you might infer, I am considering purchasing some Primare equipment, specifically, a CD player. Probably either a used D30.2 or a new D21. Any thoughts on Primare and its CD players would be appreciated.
Under that logic...lots of Bose gear for sale would indicate it is worth owning (not).....

If you really want it, buy a new one. It could be a keeper, which is why there are not many for sale.
this is a funny post since most say "why so many, choose your brand, for sale?
When they are listed they don't stay listed for long. A Primare amp was listed today and is marked "sold" already.
Post removed 
I agree with Tvad, since you don't see much Primare gear in the classifieds, if you buy it and don't like it you'll take a hard hit on resale. Now, if you can purchase a piece new from a dealer with a return policy at a reasonable re-stocking fee, then it may be worth the gamble; but dealers don't generally go there. Buying gear is such a hit and miss proposition you'd do well to purchase a player used at a good price, and one with good resale value.