Why so little Primare gear on A'gon? Bad rep?

I notice that very little Primare gear appears for sale here on A’gon. Is that because those who own Primare products love them and never want to get rid of them? Or is it because Primare has some sort of negative reputation that I don’t know about, so very few A’goners own it in the first place?

As you might infer, I am considering purchasing some Primare equipment, specifically, a CD player. Probably either a used D30.2 or a new D21. Any thoughts on Primare and its CD players would be appreciated.
I use an SP 31 as a pre/pro for dolby encoded sound from cable TV and DVD's. Its's fine sounding unit with a lot of flexiblity. Primare is distributed by Sumiko. I developed a problem, no sound from one channel. It was fixed under warranty by Sumiko. They were very good, just had to wait a bit but not too long as they needed to get a part from Sweden. If I were you I'd be equally if not more concerned about customer support than resale value on A'gon and my experience with Sumiko was very positive.
Thanks, everyone for the responses.

Thanks in particular to Gjkphd for addressing another concern of mine -- what happens if I get the used D30.2 and it has a problem? Would it be possible to get it fixed, or would my bargain turn into a waste of money?

Sounds like Sumiko and Primare stand behind their products. The D30.2 would clearly be out of warranty, but my main concern is that there is a safety net in case of trouble.
I had the opportunity to purchase the 2nd generation Primare preamp at Bestbuy/Magnolia for $450 last year when they were closing out on their primare inventory. I was impressed with it's build quality however I found it as too bright and analytical for my tastes. Nice looking gear though.
I own the Primare I30 and CD31 with Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors. I auditioned the Primare I21 and CD21 with SF Concertos at the dealer. There isn't a huge leap between the 21 and 31 series, so if you want to have the "Primare" sound but save a few pennies, you won't miss TOO much by going to the 21. Primare has a nice sound, but can be edgy sometimes. I find the sound to be slightly laid back but with a bit of grain. Odd I know, but that's the presentation I hear. My Shunyata PCs take some the edge away, but sound could be "cleaner". I'm being picky, but for the price of the 21 series, Primare is a great deal, the 31 is less so, to my ears.

Primare is the best kept secret in the audio world. Their build quality is fantastic and they do stand behind their products. I own a full stack- the A32, the A30.5, and the Sp31MK2. This setup gives me the best of both worlds...a fine 2 channel setup and a home theatre setup. The A32 is driving a pair of B and W 802d's and a Rel B1. The sound and the soundstage are unreal. The A32 at $4500 smokes amps worth twice as much $. This is a sleeper and well worth auditioning. The reason you do not see them come up on the gon is people who have them-keep them.