SME 30/2 Drive Belt

My drive belt is getting a little on the old side. Any one have any hop up recommendations for a replacement? The SME is tough to find, but out there. Just wondering if anyone had another recommendation? Thanks!


Clean the belt with some isopropyl alcohol and the platter rim. Then apply some ArmorAll to the belt. Do this every 6 to 12 months and the belt will last indefinitely! The ArmorAll lubricates the rubber and prevents drying out. I do this to the belt on my 1978 Ariston RD11S - it remains in like-new condition. ArmorAll will not harm rubber, leather or plastic.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Friction from the pully slipping at startup wears the belt unevenly and the belt becomes lumpy for lack of a better term. This increases wow and flutter. @geof3, go here and I am sure they will supply you with the right belt.