Maggie LRS amping question

I've had a pair of LRS for a few months, and been extremely happy with them. I'm currently running them off a Rotel RC-9808x preamp and a Rotel RB-9808x amp. This setup seems great, but as I don't know if I'm reaching the LRSs potential, I'm wondering if its worth it to buy a second RB-9808x and run them in mono. Would this be worth it? are we talking 1% better or 10% better? The detail is already superlative, I'm just wondering if the soundstage would benefit from the additional power.


No! Stick to a single 9808. Why? Because using it as a bridged mono amp will make it draw double the current. This is never a good thing for any amp! Distortion increases too!

It's a $350 speaker.... Perhaps your expectations are too great.

Time to move up the food chain.

It seems to me that would be WAY overkill. LRS is, after all, their entry level model. Not that it's not great for what it is. But you will do MUCH better, assuming you like what Maggies do, to move you to the 1.7.