Desktop Speakers

Looking for some recommendations!

I am going to do a new desktop audio setup. Still working on the components as I’ve got to mix the output from 2 PC’s for these speakers but that’s for another thread! I’m looking for small desktop speakers that can be happy against a wall with nearly no toe in. I’ll be roughly 24” from the wall and they will have a 42” separation. Narrow and not deep will be key as they will be sitting between two monitors. Budget is $1500 but cheaper is better for this setup as it’s mostly background music that will be playing. 

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattlathrop

Unfortunately not. There is s second driver in the back. They need to be away from back wall. 

Off the top of my head two that might work well for you...

Arendal 1961 bookshelf


Aperion Audio Novus Slim N6SR


Both are sealed and shallow in depth. The Arendal has a great review with measurements on Erin's Audio Corner.

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