I forgot to say that Whitehead rejection of the Cartesian bifurcation meet Cassirer deep symbolic forms concept coming from Goethean semiotic ( and not merely from Kant like many people erroneously think, because Cassirer meditated Goethe all his life and he used Goethe "dynamic seeing" of form to correct the self enclosed Kant so to speak)...
The meaning of meaning for Whitehead and Cassirer are symbolic forms what Goethe creating mammal and plant morphology called an archetypal phenomenon...
Goethe method in mammal morphology boogle the mind and is described in this 1,300 pages books with 1,500 figures..
Wolfgang Schad ...
This morphological approach need a transformation of the observer itself, because the attention must be mobilized...
This phenomenology of the meaning of form and of the correlative form’s meaning is an antidote to a purely mechanical conception of molecular biology...
Anyway molecular biology is now discovered to be more like "music" than mechanistic...
Pure materialism is dead... But some dont have received the news...