Replacing cork platter mat with acrylic mat

After reading some reviews touting the benefits of acrylic platter mats, I ordered one, out of curiosity.

It arrived yesterday and I sat down for an A/B listening session. Played "Car on a Hill" from Joni Mitchell's "Court and Spark". Beautiful, gorgeous, lush sound.

Then replaced my cork mat with the acrylic mat. Played the same track -- WTF? Terrible, congested sound, the bass became timid and all the sparkle was gone! The sound was wimpy, claustrophobic.

Placed the cork mat back on, played the same track -- aaahhhh, what a relief! Gorgeous sound is back in its full glory.

So what gives? How is it possible that such minor change results in such shocking degradation in sound?


I am liking my Stein music mat. Made in Japan of some sort of paper fibers and resins...not cheap, I paid $250 , probably selling at higher prices now. Using it on an acrylic platter. It is stuck onto the platter with 4 glue dots, to keep it perfectly flat. I’m using a hide in the sound leather/suede mat on another turntable with a metal platter. I think the leather mat sounds great, plus zero static. About $30 bucks plus shipping from hideinthesound. On my Technics 1200,  I'm using a KabUSA glass platter mat with a thin technics rubber mat on top. 

Is there a small difference in the thickness of the mat? It only takes a small difference in thickness to impact the setup.