You asked to compare my suggestion to Golden Ear Aon3.
Note: this is only from reading reviews, albeit with a bit of speaker wisdom applied, ha!
Golden Ears are great for their price and for their size. You can't go wrong.
They might have an advantage in the tweeter if you like AMT tweeters.
The CSS CRITON 1tdx would have the advantage in bass, and possibly midrange too. CRITON tweeter is a soft dome with some modern features that lower distort ion. From what I have read, everyone says they are good enough, one person said he wished they were more detailed. One more (Thomas & Stereo) YouTube review said he initially wished they were brighter tweeters but over time appreciated them more and more. He is self-proclaimed "Focal fan boy" (Focal is often regarded as highly detailed) but in the end he said sometimes when I don't want to analyze my music, but instead enjoy it, it is good to switch over to the CSS.
The CSS bass is legendary. Not just for it's size. CSS midrange was compared favorably to Sonus Faber (which exemplifies warm midrange). CSS treble does nothing wrong, is never offensive, although some people have different preferences about the treble,
to say the tweeter does nothing wrong - does not call attention to itself is a high compliment (quoting The Audiophiliac)