Looking for a change.

My current integrated amp is a 90 wpc Yamaha AS2100. I'm thinking about replacing it with a more powerful integrated, or keeping it as a pre and just adding an external amp. My speakers are Sonus Faber Cremona M with two KEF R400B subs. I have a Musical Fidelity Nu Vista Vinyl, so the phono stage is not an issue. The SF speakers are pretty efficient and good with this amp. Like everyone, I'm always wondering what could be. What am I missing with the Yamaha and what would I gain from making a change. I listen to vinyl on my VPI Prime with a Van den Hul MC DDT II Special. I stream with a Node running through the DAC of my Yamaha CD S2100. Is the Yamaha my weak link?


Those are seriously good speakers.   Not to slam the Yamaha, it's good , but those speakers are not outclassed by amps two or three times the price of your Yamaha.   

I think choice of electronics is very important with any good speaker .   Even more important with a speaker like the Cremona.   Do you have a dealer that would let you take an integrated home to demo?   That's your best bet.   

try a hegel integrated (h120 or 190 given your system)... i think you will be pleased with the improvement - substantially better treble subtlety, air, soundstage depth and specificity, bass control/solidity - all of which would be heard on your quite good, resolving speakers

the sound will seem more easeful and clear at the same time, more effortless yet with more subtle details

no affiliation, other than being a very happy hegel owner...

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