PS Audio FPGA dac

What happened to the PS Audio’s Direct Stream FPGA dac with the recurring firmware updates?

It used to be a hot topic with every new iteration of the firmware.

Does each firmware update improve the sound significantly or has the company stopped offering updates?


To the best of my knowledge, PS Audio has discontinued the DirectStream DAC. It will be replaced late this year with their new much more expensive DAC with an MSRP of around $7000-8000. I feel that the used DirectStream DACs as a result will see an increase in used market value. By the way, you can download all of the DS DAC firmware to your computer so you will have the library of firmware at ready access. 

This company has a goal to make money (like most in the market) ... They need to sell you something every year or even a quarter ...
So much noise, such pomp... I listened to their best product - NOTHING SUPERNATURAL AT ALL! .. - the usual DAC.
now a generation of morons has grown up (((they are easy to deceive - the main thing is to feed them with promises ... most of them have never been to the conservatory ... they only need a car subwoofer and mp3 content.

Even 25 years ago they made DACs with excellent sound ... (those who did not save on details still work) ...

Many do not know that cars used to be made of iron (not foil) ... and the W210 Mercedes did not break at all and driving was a pleasure ...