Thanks for all the great input.
Atma-Sphere makes great equipment but out of my reach cost wise but thanks.
Sounds like the Cary might be my best bet. Now to find one on the used market!
Has anyone compared Rogue RP-7 to Cary SLP05 and / or Audio Research Ref 5se?
Currently using Rogue RP-7 and considering moving to either Cary SLP05 or Ref 5se. Looking for a little mid range bloom.
Thanks in advance for recommendations, comments, etc.
Rogue RP-7, AGD Audions, Bricasti M3, Joseph Audio Perspectives, Cardas Clear
@testrun I don’t have any Rogue experience to compare to, but the SLP 05 had been on my last-request list for quite a while. About a year ago I did pull the trigger and make the upgrade from my beloved & modded SLP 90. The SLP 05 was quite a bit over the price range I wanted to get into, but I saw one on Cary Direct’s preowned page that I felt was doable, and I used "free shipping" to justify adding The Ultimate Upgrade. I am using the balanced ins & outs (Marantz SA10 & CAD V12) and a couple of months ago, with the help of a good friend who had several pairs of vintage 6sn7s he no longer needed, I discovered that by rolling just the two 6sn7s in the balanced input buffer sockets, I could make significant sonic changes. I wound up falling in love with a pair of black glass RCA VT231s for the detail & imaging that I heard, and that was even with using the four stock EHs in the phase gain buffer sockets. Due to that experience, I bought more of the black glass ’231s and I pretty much thought that I might never change another tube in that preamp until one of the RCAs was on its last gasps, but then an extrtemely generous benefactor turned me on to a pair of vintage Ken Rads and I have been going back & forth in the balanced input sockets and loving making the comparisons. I seem to feel that whichever pair of tubes (between those two) that I am running at the time are my favorites. I have found this preamp to have a lush (which, unfortunately, is a subjective term and may be in the ear of the beholder) tone, without being overly warm, and being quite detailed with its presentation. I actually felt that these characteristics were present before rolling tubes, and with vintage tubes I have found it to be more of the above. There is a lot of gain, and I once posted a question/thread inquiring about that subject, but as I reflect upon that issue, I am now thinking that I actually recognized this increase when I switched digital front ends and I just seemed more cognizant of it when I upgraded preamps. I would also say that Cary could have made access to the rectifier tube easier by providing an access panel in the side of the power supply, as opposed to having to remove the bottom of the power supply to gain access. Lastly I will say that: Cary no longer provides the customer service that made me a true & loyal believer in them back in the mid-’90s, but I will say no more on that factor as it was not enough to discourage me from making the SLP05 purchase a year ago. As far as finding a used one,maybe keep an eye on Cary’s preowned page, like I did, and make the move when one comes up. Over all, I have been quite pleased with mine, although to your OP, I cannot make the comparison you were looking for.