Esoteric X-01 D2

Hoping for some more information on this player in terms of strengths, weaknesses, likes or dislikes. Of course, associated equipment would be appreciated with those preferences.

Have great day all,
Peter, $10K for a rack??? Hmmm...I cant say that I think that is too much. Give me a few minutes and I can justify almost any audio expense. That must be one heck of rack man. Hold on let me check it on the those are pretty cool looking racks! If you get the rack I will go for the p3d3+g0 clock! What do you say? :)
Hey Tommy. We must be cut of the same cloth. I too am finding new and inventive way every day to justify these purchases. They all make since to me. It does seem a little less crazy when you can form a partnership though doesn't it?

So lets do it!! The rack I am looking at is SRA's Craz Rack which they have drawn up specs and dimensions on for me already. And I say, built exactly to my specifications just for me? Oh boy!! I haven't let the hammer fall yet? And build time is something like 9-14 weeks so I might see it before the year is out. At least with the Esoteric combo, you'll get pretty immediate satisfaction. Which by the way, what type of rack are you using?

So here we go down the rabbit hole and I am enjoying every minute.

Peter - Down the rabbit hole indeed!

My wife will be delighted to know that I found yet another audiophile nut.

As for my what rack I am using...I am a bit embarrassed to say that I am using s regular rack I purchased from Best Buy. My plan is to buy either a Symposium or Sistrum rack after I figure out my power delivery issues.

Please be sure to post pix of your new setup.

Any ideas on what Esoteric system I should get? (D2 + G) or P3D3 + G0)