Balanced Line Stage Tube Preamps

A recent balanced tube preamp shopper asked for opinions on Rogue vs ARC, ending up with a strong verdict for the Cary -05. Just wondering where the PrimaLuna EVO 400 might fit in this discussion. Functionality is pretty much identical across the board for all: 2 XLRs, 3 RCAs in, and both out. I don't need Cary's headphone section but do really need a remote. Question is all about the sonics. Fellow tube sound fans say Rogue is too dry and clinical. But what about PL? I wouldn't expect it to match Cary or ARC (or C-J) in an ideal room, but is it more tube-y than Rogue? (I do need 2 XLR and 3 RCA, so less versatile candidates need not apply).



Aesthetic, Backert , Zesto, Audio Research. You can’t go wrong on this preaamps, my favorite is the Backert because of its musicality on the system I’ve heard.

If you can afford it, you can’t go wrong with Audio Research.

All the best.


@jayctoy & others who mentioned the Backert line, I'm growing fascinated. Apparently they welcome questions by phone, so will be calling to clear up details left murky by online product info. Surprised they have so many dealers & I'm eager to listen Thanks for the tip!

@hickamore The Backert achieves its balanced line operation by the use of an output transformer. If you are going to use tubes to drive a balanced line, to my knowledge there are only two ways: an output transformer or a direct-coupled technique patented a little over 20 years ago.

@curiousjim "ARC if you can afford it": this much I've known since c. 1978, and could be I'll wind up with the LS28 if the right deal is out there (REF series would require a total system upgrade). Rogue RP-9 uses the same tubes, price is $2500 less new. Wish I could hear them alongside, which at Overture I guess I could. Trouble is, those guys never reply to inquiries.
@atmasphere Figured as much. Your critique of ARC LS28SE/Rogue RP-9 welcome if offered. I admire your Mk3 but need silver and a remote.