Question about speaker angle

I've always been under the impression that your front main speakers should be angled so that the "face" of the speaker is basically perpendicular with the listener's face when viewing the speakers from the sweet spot. I do however see others placing the speakers parallel or inline with the surface of the wall behind the speakers. I'm wondering, how much loss to the sonic sound stage this creates.


or to make it real easy you can go on the cardas website and they have a program there where you just put in the width of your room and it'll give you the exact measurement from the front wall and the sidewall to put your speakers and I tried it and it works beautifully.

Whatever you do, do not trust your own ears...this only leads you down the rabbit hole of having your own tastes and opinions which is never a good idea. Opinions of strangers and those claiming expertise on a system they can't actually hear is all you need. Experimenting with speakers to the point where they sound good to you? Really? What makes "you" so special? Another note..."extreme tow-in" means the speakers are facing completely away from you, which is nothing if not extreme. 

Have to experiment.  Even the same speakers are different in every room.

It's true there is a trade off between strong centre image and wide soundstage.

The only way to find out, is to position and re-position your speakers in your room and listen to the music.

I also have Tannoys and have them towed in. I have them placed about 18 -20 ft apart. I get an amazingly wide sound stage.