What do you sit on?

As my system has improved I am spending more time listening but my "sweet spot" is not as comfortable as I would like. I'm looking at new chairs, recliners, etc.  This is one topic I have not seen discussed on Audiogon. What kind of chair, perhaps what specific manufacturers are favored by experienced audiophiles? Maybe a little crowd sourcing in this area might turn up some overlooked gems in the way of listening room furniture.
Ag insider logo xs@2xbruce19
Just got an eames replica (one of the nicer ones) and not only is it very comfortable, but it lowered me in front of the speakers. A huge improvement to sound quality!


I'm used to sleeping in a recliner for all the reasons that people who sleep in recliners recognize. I needed a portable recliner that I could take on road trips to visit the grandkids and for sleeping on crappy beds in cheap hotels. This chair is really sturdy and comfortable.

It doesn't recline as far as my home recliner, but it's sufficient. The chair has made it possible to sleep well when I travel! Most of these kinds of chairs have a 250lb rating. I'm 240. For the last couple I bought, the fabric was pulling away from the Bungie rings. I can replace the bunnies, I can replace the bolts at the pivot points, but ripped fabric, I can't fix.

2 IKEA Poang chairs and 1 Rocking chair. I have two audio systems at the polar opposite ends of a big room facing each other. The three chairs are in the middle of the room and I turn the chairs toward the system I am listening to... at the time.

JJss49 that’s a fine chair you have there for easy listening and wine