klipshorn speakers

my son has a pair of klipshorn speakers. i don't know  the model name but they are pretty big. he's running a mcintosh mc7300 amp to power them.he's thinking of getting a mc602!! he likes to play his music loud! will he hear a difference with the mc602?? he found a mc602 on ebay for 7.2k! would it be worth the money to buy it???


I drive my Heresy IIIs with a tube preamp into a recently acquired Pass XA-25...(my single ended tube power amp is on vacation). Note that when Klipsch designed a lot of this stuff the only choice was tube amps, so there's that...

Khorns and McIntosh--welcome to 1972!

My suggestion is you go to a REAL audio store and listen to your fav tunes on a somewhat more modern system and react accordingly.

And, there are still many who live in the 1970's and think these things are not only wonderful, but will pay you HUGE money for them.

I know; I drive a 1966 car, but have moved on a bit in my music listening habits.


my son likes mcintosh! but will the sound be better with a mc602 is what i’m asking!


I think a pair of McIntosh MC2301’s would sound better with Khorns.
