Wow....just look at this guy's car audio.....


Take a look at this South Korean dude’s car. He says he is a photographer and most likely spend a lot of time in his van/car. Has Aqua Formula R2R and LinQ Roon system hooked up to a vacuum preamp. Took midrange dome from old Dynaudio speakers and has ipads installed on the dashboard. Uses wires from Accuton and I see some Mundorf caps as well. If I were him, I’d put more effort on organizing things, but nevertheless its quite a passion for audio.


Back in the day my son own a Honda CRX

and he must of had over 4,000 watts driving a bunch of woofers and speakers

I was in the car once and he cranked it! I swear it rearranged my internal organs!

I did have a $8k stereo in my 96 Porsche 993 Turbo that sounded amazing, but not as amazing as that flat six under twin boost!

Back in the eighties, I had a neighbor who had a pickup truck set up for “The Sound Races”  it had 6 marine grade batteries in the bed to power it.  He said it draw so much power, it would stop the truck motor if he cranked it up without the batteries! I have long forgotten the crazy number of speakers and watts this thing had, but one summer evening we had people over for a backyard BBQ and he wiped out my boom box from across the street!

Cra cra 

Back in 1986 I entered my car in a car stereo competition. I won honorable mention. The judges said I had the best SQ, but not the loudest. Turned out that my Dynaudio drivers (tweets, Dome MRs, MW, W, were  not “car audio” drivers and disqualified me from 1st place in SQ. Have to be name brand car audio components. Who knew???