Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.


McDonald's as a company is shutting down. They sold what I assume are corporate stores and likely all the business intelligence, warehousing, manufacturing, etc. associated with running a chain.

How do you sell a franchise you are closing?

You can find the details on the web but they set up a company to sell the properties and take down the arches. The business details are handled by the liquidation company. It would not surprise me if McDonalds holds the rights to shut down franchises for any reason they want. 

I think that you meant "Much ado about nothing" jerryg123. By the way, how are you feeling since the stroke?

Not to worried about it as McDonalds is failing here also. 

When fast food is the economic barometer we are all in deep crap. More worried about the price of gas record inflation and mothers unable to feed their babies. And none of that has to do with Russia.