Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.


Not to worried about it as McDonalds is failing here also. 

When fast food is the economic barometer we are all in deep crap. More worried about the price of gas record inflation and mothers unable to feed their babies. And none of that has to do with Russia. 


Amp is an Amp

right JerryG?  Hey, I haven't received any love letters from you lately, is something wrong?

I dont give a dam about tubes...

I prefer history....

North american in general listen TV not history....

For them Spartacus is Kirk Douglas....For me it is the reverse...

Reverse all news papers " truths" and you will be right...

I am not proud to be a Canadian by the way....I am ashamed...Tubes or not!


jerryg123's avatar

jerryg123 OP

1,883 posts


Guys Jerry had a stroke last night.

He is in the hospital. This was and will be his last post.


Yes, A miraculous recovery!

jerryg123/earlflynn/skypunk wasn't back for ten minutes and he already started with his insults and childish name calling.