Speakers to consider around 5k used?

I'm a newbie to the high quality world of audio. I'm interested in getting a decent system together. I'm looking for the highest quality speaker in the 4-6k range used. My listening habits are eclectic. Primarily Electronic, Rock/Pop, Classical/Soundtrack, and Traditional/Folk. My room size is an average sized USA house living room. I don't want a speaker that is overly detailed or bright that leads to harshness or fatigue, neither one that is too warm or veiled. I want a neutral speaker that is realistic and true to source without being difficult to listen to, especially in the highs. I am starting with the speakers, and have no other hi-fi equipment. However, I'm considering a network DAC player for my source.

What speakers should I be looking at and which are the best in this range available?

Are you thinking floor standing or stand mount?
Is a subwoofer an option?
Will you be doing home theater with the speakers?
Have you gone out to audition any speakers at high end stores?
I would think DC would have a few good ones.
I don't know what to audition yet. Also since I"m buying used, I don't know if auditioning was OK, is it?

I'd prefer floorstanders, but If i can get better quality with standmount + sub, I'll look at them. Home theater is secondary to music.

Speakers that I have heard might suit me;


I'm sure I'm missing plenty of options though in my price range.
You can get Audiokinesis speakers new for under $5k. They are relatively efficient and flexible as to room placement due to the port tuning capability. The top end can be tweaked as well. I have a pair and have used multiple types of amps with them and listen to a variety of music. Unless you have über powered solid state amps these speakers should meet your needs.
I think Sonus Faber is a good recommendation and possibly Dynaudio too, and to those I'd add Joseph Audio, Nola, and Vandersteen. You're fortunate to have many good high-end dealers within an hour or so (traffic permitting of course), so definitely go start listening and I bet something will jump out at you. But by all means at least give them a chance to earn your business (new or used) if you're utilizing their time/resources. And don't forget to bring your own music. Best of luck.