Speakers to consider around 5k used?

I'm a newbie to the high quality world of audio. I'm interested in getting a decent system together. I'm looking for the highest quality speaker in the 4-6k range used. My listening habits are eclectic. Primarily Electronic, Rock/Pop, Classical/Soundtrack, and Traditional/Folk. My room size is an average sized USA house living room. I don't want a speaker that is overly detailed or bright that leads to harshness or fatigue, neither one that is too warm or veiled. I want a neutral speaker that is realistic and true to source without being difficult to listen to, especially in the highs. I am starting with the speakers, and have no other hi-fi equipment. However, I'm considering a network DAC player for my source.

What speakers should I be looking at and which are the best in this range available?

You can get Audiokinesis speakers new for under $5k. They are relatively efficient and flexible as to room placement due to the port tuning capability. The top end can be tweaked as well. I have a pair and have used multiple types of amps with them and listen to a variety of music. Unless you have über powered solid state amps these speakers should meet your needs.
I think Sonus Faber is a good recommendation and possibly Dynaudio too, and to those I'd add Joseph Audio, Nola, and Vandersteen. You're fortunate to have many good high-end dealers within an hour or so (traffic permitting of course), so definitely go start listening and I bet something will jump out at you. But by all means at least give them a chance to earn your business (new or used) if you're utilizing their time/resources. And don't forget to bring your own music. Best of luck.
You could get Maggie 3.7's new at your budget. Great speakers with wonderful ribbon tweeter
PSB Synchronicity One might bar one to consider.
Maybe check out Von Schweikert speakers as well. They would meet your criteria.

Since you are thinking used and could get a more recent edition in the range you are looking at.

Or you might consider the VR-33, which is sold direct from Von Schweikert, with a trial period. Factory direct eliminates the middle man's markup. An advantage of these is that they are designed to be close to a wall, and won't need to be as out in the room as many other options in this price range will (Maggies especially, I am told).