Has anyone compared Rogue RP-7 to Cary SLP05 and / or Audio Research Ref 5se?

Currently using Rogue RP-7 and considering moving to either Cary SLP05 or Ref 5se.  Looking for a little mid range bloom.  

Thanks in advance for recommendations, comments, etc.


Rogue RP-7, AGD Audions, Bricasti M3, Joseph Audio Perspectives, Cardas Clear



I am reading a book about a guy that really got into audio… he fell in love with tube amps and splurged and bought a good one… Atmosphere. He got some highly touted NOS tubes for it. The amplifier arrived… he did not even try the stock tubes.

He turned it on and a few seconds after turning on and starting the music there was a flash and smoke rises… one channel was dead. He turned it off. Obviously he called the manufacturer, they were nice… recommended he take it to a shop… fortunately it was fixed in a couple weeks… there is a resistor put in to prevent the whole unit from melting down. But no. He researched and found out why those tubes and that amp were a no-no.


I don’t hear any brightness in my system with the EH 6sn7 tubes but I know others might have a different experience.  I do have a pair of Sylvania grey glass VT-231s I used in my SLP98p.  I’ve also got some RCA and GE 6sn7s I may try eventually.  But for now there’s no need other than to scratch that audiophile itch.

I hear everyone. I don't plan to change tubes until I feel every thing is broken in.  I know from experience what a regulator tube can do.  As far as the "front end" tubes are concerned I agree I have to hear what I'm working with.  I all cases, I'm excited about rolling the SLP-05 into my system.  


The Electro Harmonix 6SN7, like many EH tubes, have a brash & rockin sound. A bit of extra zing on top, with great bass impact and decent mids. They’re really not a bad tube at all, any way you slice it. And they typically measure at a good deal more transconductance than vintage / NOS 6SN7, so for some slots they’re just perfect. Usually they make excellent driver or follower tubes because of this. In V1 / gain slots you can usually find improvement with the sweet tone, extra airy top end, and more holographic image of vintage greats. But also, good luck finding quiet-enough vintage tubes for those kinds of slots! And the EH 6SN7 won’t get embarrassed anyways UNLESS the gear has been voiced for warm vintage 6SN7GT tubes. Then yeah - the EH tubes are gonna sound too bright in that gear!

For now I've settled on a mix of Russian Tung-Sol 6SN7GTB (very similar to the EH tubes) in V2 and Tung-Sol round plate 6SN7GT in V1 in my VAC 200iQ amps. That's one common pattern of tube rolling 6SN7's - a lot of us end up favoring mixed makes, rather than all of one kind. That way you sort of sum up the different kinds of "magic" each make offers. 

Cary has been shipping this preamp with EH 6SN7 for ages, so I’d guess it will sound great that way. Haven’t heard one, but admired from afar for quite a while. Beautiful preamp. Enjoy!!