I found my 004 pretty inferior to 005, it would be very interesting to see the 004 under measurement microscope.
Three kind of purchasers, those that require good measurements together with long term listening, and those who rely solely on good measurement, or solely on long term listening. Since independent measurements not generally included in most reviews, most purchasers have to rely on the other two methods. Now, when those who purchased based solely on listening find out later measurements not so good, well, they're going to freak out or trust in their listening skills. Those who purchase based solely on measurements believe they have the upper hand since sound quality will fall in line with measurements.
My listening skills have been developed to please my individual sensory perceptions. I've owned great measuring components and relatively poor measuring components, they all have a voice that either pleases or displeases my individual sensory perception. Most components I've owned have never undergone independent testing, therefore, I rely solely on long term listening. The only purchasing method I've not used is relying solely on measurements. And I don't know why I would when some of the better measuring components I've owned are no longer with me, surpassed by perhaps poorer measuring components.
I can only say, learn to hone and/or trust your listening skills if that's your preferred method for determining which components to purchase. Being offended or insecure about 005 qualities at this point only points to one's distrust in their listening skills and/or individual sensory perceptions. One has to understand what sound qualities please their senses in order to not flounder about with insecurities. Otherwise, pursue a set of measurements for each and every component and be secure in knowing you have the best measuring system.