What is this term 'analytical' ?

I see this routinely in reviews & comments and so do you:

It’s too analytical. It’s so analytical that it’s not musical. Etc.

What does this mean? You can actually hear stuff? You picture math problems on a chalkboard? A shrink’s couch?

Isn’t the entire point of this hobby to hear music clearly? But apparently: not too clearly?


Good thoughtful answers. Seems like it means what I might think of as bright, or top heavy.

Now if someone would tell me what 'musical' means, and how it's different...

Who knows the brilliant Mingus (I think) quote?

All together now: 'talking about music is like...' 

Too sterile. also, boring with no character....you want/need some warmth to make it more enjoyable over the long term. Too bright can be characterized as fatiguing and full of sharp ssss’s... That’s just my opinion. Musical in my book is if your tapping your foot. 

Agree with audioguy85. You’ll know it when you hear it. The sound is lifeless, sterile, not engaging, boring.  It's different from bright, to my ear anyway.

Let me add, all the notes and details are there, they just don't connect with you emotionally.