Yep much to do about nothing. Fear brains.


I've spent the past 5 years interacting with various "unite" groups -- including my own.  Identifying, acknowledging and celebrating our common links and connections (humanity) is a major segment of our work.  Encouraging unapologetic, firebreathing partisans to talk (and, listen) to each other is another segment.  Its a bit like trying to blow on a bowl of chili to cool it off -- while it's still in the microwave.

Here's what I've learned:

- we have a truth crisis.  I have developed a "partisan scale".  The further to the extremes this extends the less willing we are to seek the truth.  Some call it "risk tolerance".  Until we have to courage to call out our own for wrong doing and/or incompetence, the cycle of trying to solve problems is highly compromised, to the degree where we intentionally create them.  This cycle will repeat until we a) fix it, or b) go up (or, down) in flames.  I have developed a dictionary of Lies.  Included is "True Lies" whereby factually correct, yet intellectually dishonest statements or actions intentionally apply the wrong context, omit relevant information, quote other "true lies" as a valuable resource, or imply that dots can be connected when there is no factual basis. This gets a "pass" because noone is "lying".  I find it intersting to observe the phenomena where the IQ level of highly educuated, very intellingent individuals drops by 40% (or more) when the subject moves to politics.  Facts don't matter.  Being right matters.

- The shelf life and voracity of a conspiracy theory is wholly dependant on who is in control of the information at the time.  It has no bearing on actual facts.  Actual "conspiracies" with circular references, criminal intent, and immeasurable harm can be proped up, and sustained for years (and, counting).  Real events that are world-changing, fact based, verified, and corraborated can be brushed aside, or canceled -- labeled as "conspiracy theories", or "misinformation". (see comments above)

- Policians never stop campaigning.  It's impossible to spread a message of unity when the goal is to totally annihilate, discredit, lie about, and demonize all things and people connected to the "other side".  Winning for "the party" is the singular objective.

- History will show that highly flawed individuals can by competant public servants.  The contrast will also show that highly moral, ethical, empathetic, and caring individuals can make the world a more dangerous place.  The fact that Steve Jobs was mean boss and a terrible father probably had little impact on whether our not you purchased a smart phone.

Suggestions for potentially "heated" conversations:

When someone you care about says something politically that fires you up, try this: "You're a good person, and I'm sure you supported your party/candidate/politican for the right reasons, not the wrong reasons."

Let your friends be "wrong".  You may KNOW you're "right".  Let it go.

Remember that a problem is like an AC motor,  It keeps spinning as long as there is a "push" and a "pull".  Remove either, and the motor stops spinning.  It's your call to insert, or remove the push or pull.  Or, keep that motor spinning.

Forums like things bring out our humanity, and I can't overestimate their value.  I've learned a lot about audio, philosophy, religion, and living from some of the smartest people I've even been in contact with on this forum.

Thank you.

you must see that our president is clearly suffering from clinical dementia

@roxy54   no, you must have missed the news that Dr. Bonespurs lost the election and is no longer POTUS.  I do understand your concern about his ideas related  to sunlight enemas and disinfectant injections and airports in the Revolutionary War and windmills causing cancer and Americans having to flush toilets 10 to 15 times and nuclear attacks on hurricanes and drawing on NWS maps with his crayons and etc and etc, but you can relax now because he actually lost the last election.