Recommendations for Earplugs That Work – Protect But Allow Music In

Anyone have experience with ear plugs they can recommend that protects hearing, but lets the music in?

Went to a concert last night. Band was too loud for anyone who values their hearing. I immediately put in my ear plugs. Unfortunately, these cushy type do not do a good job of attenuating low frequency, so you are mainly hearing kick drum and low bass (boom, boom, boom). I recorded some of it and it sounded good when played back. So choice was lose your hearing or horrible sound, I chose hearing. Using Decibel X app glanced down and saw and SPL readding of 117dB reading, ouch. So not great even with earplugs.

Today, I cranked the stereo and tried cushy earplugs along with the type that cover your ears and same effect. I understand the solution is for bands to play at reasonable sound pressure levels, but good to be ready for anything. Any recommendations, I have a number of shows scheduled to go to this summer.




There are many easily found on Amazon. I use the Etymotic ones but all change the music in pretty severe ways. Foam ones are the worst. I usually put them in loose and/or remove them for my favorite songs and just that makes a huge difference in ear protection and no ringing.

I think you're going to have trouble finding earplugs with anywhere close to a flat frequency response.  When the band is loud, stay home and enjoy your system.  There are some venues near me that I know not to bother with. they are always too loud.


The best you're gonna do is to go see an audiologist and have custom ear plugs made for you. They should be able to mold them to your ear.